I sent out a Beatles survey to as many people as I thought might be interested in participating, and reminiscing a bit about what the Fab Four and their msuic meant to them growing up. There has been a decent turn out so far, and there will be a full tally of sorts at the end of "Beatles Week", but this first story is about The Ones Who Were There...
Michaelene M (my mom) says: "My first memory of the Beatles is hearing their first famous (I think) song playing on the car radio as I was riding to Oakmont. "She Loves You [yeah yeah yeah]". It was so catchy! Or it could have been "I Wanna Hold Your Hand." Then along came the others from their first (U.S.) album. I still have the original album that I bought in 1964. I was so captivated by their music and them, that I would stare at their faces on the album cover and try to decide who was my favorite! It turned out to be George (always), with Paul a close second, though I thought he looked a bit too feminine! John creeped me out for some reason, and poor Ringo was always overlooked..."
"As for how they shaped my music appreciation? I think their lyrics were clean and simple, while the incredible beat set the stage for all other (albums) to come. They are the Elvis of my generation. Even now, when I hear one of those originals, my heart leaps. "
June J says: "I went to one of the Beatles' very first USA concerts (Atlantic City) back in the day, and it was awesome. If you've ever seen clips of their concerts with women fainting, that wasn't fake! I was in the 15th row and had great views, but could hardly hear them playing due to the screaming (yeah, I think I was screaming too). I have loved Ringo ever since (which is why I love drummers). I still love listening to them…"
Jean Marie N's favorites are: (Song) "I Wanna Hold Your Hand"; (Album) "Rubber Soul", especially the song "Norwegian Wood"; and (Band member) George.
Thanks ladies, it's great to get input from the people who experienced Beatlemania first hand, something the rest of us can only imagine (or pretend to know) from all of the footage we've seen over the decades. It's not too late for the rest of you to get in on the survey! Follow this link, and then follow the instructions if you'd like your voice heard during "Beatles Week" on Not Lame Minus. We'll even throw a thank-you pack in the mail for any contributor who wants some goofy stuff, if you include your mailing address.
Just a heads up: all of the remastered albums come out on cd tomorrow, 9/9/09, and many places (including Newbury Comics, Borders, Barnes & Noble, etc...) have cool promotional giveaways if you buy more than one album.
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