I went to Newbury Comics this morning expecting a mob of sexagenarians pushing and shoving in a long line, waiting to refresh their childhood memories with cds from the newly remastered Beatles catalog. However, when I arrived it took me all of three minutes in the near-empty store to grab copies of "Rubber Soul", "Revolver" and "Abbey Road". Also (and the reason for my being there right after the store opened at 10 am), since I bought more than one album, I received a limited edition black & white lithograph of the Fab Four as a bonus. Say 'hello' to the proud owner of #1935/10000. Now I just need a nice frame to- But I digress...
Anyway, when I got home, I listened to them in chronological order, and had myself a nice 2½-hour musical trip. Since I'd never owned any Beatles albums before this year, it was fantastic to discover many songs that were new to me. And hearing them in stereo is amazing. These don't sound like songs that have been around for over 40 years. They are going right onto my iPod, and will carry me through many weeks of heavy rotation (alongside "Let it Be... Naked", which has been in there for a few weeks now), subtly altering my musical taste along the way, in what I am sure will be interesting ways.
How do you like the new remasters? Are they better than what you expected, or is their very existence sacrilege to your memories? We want to know!
I've always enjoyed Beatles songs, but have never considered myself a big fan. You won't hear me calling remastered music a "sacrilege".