☻ After an abortive attempt to participate in Kevin Youkilis' book drive for kids back in June (cancelled due to lack of interest, partly due to our little blog being so new, as well as the relatively short notice), we here at NLM are looking to do something of True Importance - contribute to a charity or cause of worth. We have posted a poll for all of our readers to help select which of several great organizations we will support. Below the poll there is a list of links, so that you can check out each option if you can't decide which you would most like to help. Once the chosen cause is determined (on October 20th), we will be asking that you readers please contribute at least a dollar out of the goodness of your hearts, and a willingness affect positive change in the world, no matter how small it might seem. Details will follow, but each person who sends in at least a dollar will receive a wooden nickel and an NLM magnet just for helping! There will also be a prize (hint: wearable) for the largest donor, and depending on how many readers participate, at least one other random winner.
☻ Also, we are going to have a Halloween Costume Contest! After all of the parties & celebrations have ended, please send a 'fit to print' (nothing x-rated please) photo of you in your costume to NotLameMinus@gmail.com so that we can choose the best (and probably a few other categories like Scariest, Sexiest and Most Original). The winner(s) will get something cool in the mail, and possibly a post about the event(s) at which it was worn. Finally, as a cool link to the charitable project listed above, NLM will donate one dollar per photo we receive!
☻ And lastly, if anyone has the urge to taste-test various fall beers (Octoberfests, pumpkin-based, etc...), feel free to submit a review and/or full-length story for publication to the e-mail address in the previous paragraph. We would love to hear voices other than our own, as well as be directed toward the best autumn grain-based potables!
Thanks in advance to all who dive into the shared fun here at Not Lame Minus. It's turning out to be what we imagined: a place for our friends & families to find local fun stuff easily, promote our friends' bands, and relate the random antics of a few guys most of you know. Let's make October the best month yet, and don't forget to check out the links at the top of NLM for all of your Outdoor Fall Fun searches!
Henry just got outfitted at Cavender's this week. Maybe I could submit pics of him as a cowboy....a "dead" cowboy, of course, as it's supposed to be spooky.