At some point in the next few weeks, each of us (one hopes) will post a 'reminisce' about an influential album, cassette or cd that has affected our life and/or musical taste. We will each pick one of our all-time favorite albums, and then write about when we discovered it; what it reminds us of; anecdotes and/or recaps of any of the band's live dates we've attended; and how the music changed us (if at all). It'll give each of us a chance to expose the others (and you readers) to a band that no one had an inkling was of importance to us. And if needed, I'll go back and embed a LaLa music player of the album into each blog (like Chris does with his weekly cd review), to ensure maximum exposure.
So keep checking back this month for some great music!
Image created by Plard Yoann
I can't wait to read them, it's always cool to hear about other peoples' musical tastes, and how they came to love certain bands or styles.