Monday, May 27, 2024


I've never had sake (a Japanese alcohol made from rice), but because it has been so prevalent in many of the Japanese shows I've been watching on Netflix this calendar year, I decided to try some. Back at the beginning of the month I'd bought a 200 ml (roughly 6.75 oz) Chika Sake Cup from Hakutsuru, and tonight I finally opened it up.

I have to say, so far I am not a fan. To be sure, it's not a top shelf brand, but it smells very boozy, tastes very boozy, and I can feel the slightest sip slide down my throat and thorax like fire. The only plus was a pleasant aftertaste, which I can't quite place (a mild honey perhaps). I won't give up on the type of drink as a whole, but this particular brand, despite the cute and reusable glass container, isn't for me. I do like the cup though, with its three cute images.

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