Saturday, May 4, 2024

BEER - Pacific Coast Time

I was drawing and playing online games this evening, and I decided to have a couple of beers. I had picked up a 4-pack of cans a few days ago, of Pacific Coast Time, a West Coast DIPA. 

Hailing from the Mighty Squirrel Brewing Company out of Waltham, MA, this double IPA is wonderfully pine-y, with subtle grapefruit undertones. And it has just the right bitterness. It pours very clear from the can, with very little head. None of that silly foam to take up space in a glass! And check out the artwork (often the reason I opt for one beer over another of similar profile) - a wave of hops. Very cool. And lastly, the beer definitely lives up to its name. It reminds me of many of the beers I've had with my brother over in Northern California. Highly recommended.

And for all of us Red Sox fans, they have a second location next to Fenway Park. Check it out!

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