On Saturday July 31st, 2010 several local New England musicians gathered down at scenic Niemi Cove on Wyman's Pond in Westminster, MA for a day of unplugged music. The
Wyman's Pond Music Fest began at noon on the sunny lakefront (it was a perfect day, blue skies, 78 degrees and dry), and the music ran from 2 pm to just before 8. The artists played anywhere from 40 minutes to an hour each for the crowd of 60-plus (of whom 20 were kids), who spent the day swimming, eating grilled meats, and listening to the finest gathering of local talent on the East Coast. And best of all, admission was free!
The roster included (in order of performance):
The kids all had a blast, sitting in the front row, and asking the musicians for autographs. Vanessa even let some of the girls sign their names on her guitar case! The artists could be seen chatting with each other, and several of them did a cd swap amongst themselves. One copy of each performer's cd was given away in a simple raffle at the end of their set, as well as a t-shirt with the event roster, which was a welcome surprise. After nearly six fantastic hours of original music (and a few covers), the incredible day ended with new friends made, new fans found, new music connections, and happy people all around.
Pictured (l to r, bottom): Almanac Mountain, Elizabeth Lorrey, Lee Villaire, Vanessa Kafka (and bandmates). Photos by Ken M.
My personal write-up was more in-depth. If you want more details, find it here: