Saturday, February 25, 2012

Album Review: The Lion's Roar

Good morning/afternoon/evening/night fair readers. It is I, the Marmot Man. The Man Who Writes Not, The Absentee Blogger, you get the idea. The Great and Mighty Ken saw fit to grant me the power of the post so I thought it was high time I wield my editorial authority and post a little something.

Recently, thanks to iTunes and its eerily accurate Genius recommendations, I came across the Swedish sister folk duo First Aid Kit. It's hard to describe them but sufficed to say they have been in heavy rotation on my playlist. If you aren't into female vocalists or folky music, this probably won't be for you.

The Lion's Roar's title track opens the album and immediately sets the mood. It's lumbering, heavy tones makes you think about traveling through dark woods with your inner thoughts as your only travel companion.

Emmylou changes it up somewhat with a wistful, longing melody heavily reminiscent of a country music ballad with it's steel guitar and gentle rhythm. A love song from a girl to her boy, longing for nothing more than for him to sing with her, it pulls at the heart strings as the bartender pulls you another beer.

The album goes on from there, with songs that inspire reflection and introspection. It feels well rounded and after giving it a listen you have the impression of taking a long journey. It's a journey where you find that you better understanding of who you are but still have so many more questions you need to ask.
